Persons and family law are branches of civil law, and the basic rules of these areas of law are regulated in the Turkish Civil Code No. 4721, which came into force on January 01, 2002. Civil Law is a branch of law that regulates the private law relations of persons with each other or with the state outside of public law.

In the modern sense, the basis of civil law is based on the law named "Corpus Iuris Civilis", in which regulations that are not generally written are written. With this law, the legal rules of the classical Roman period were compiled and the basic information source of Roman Law was created.


Family Law is arranged in three parts between articles 118-494 of the Turkish Civil Code. The first part is marriage law, the second part is kinship and the third part is guardianship.

In the Marriage Law section, the regulations related to the family in the narrow sense are included, how the marriage is established, which provisions the marriage is subject to, which property regimes are valid between the spouses and how the marriage union ends. In the second part, which is titled kinship, regulations on family relations in a broad sense are included, establishment of paternity, family and family relations are discussed. In the third part, titled guardianship, the structure and administration of an organization that will ensure the protection and conduct of the affairs of the minors and the disabled, who cannot protect their personal and financial interests, and that will operate under the control of the state, is regulated.

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